Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Compliant Mechanisms, Topology Design, CAD, Robotics, MEMs, Optimization, Large Deformation Systems.
Department of Mechanical Engineering
IIT Kanpur,
Kanpur 208016
Mechanical Engineering
PhD, University of Pennsylvania, USA, 2000
M. S., University of Toledo, USA ,1997
B. Tech, Mechanical Engineering, IIT, Bombay, 1995
Saxena, A., Valero-Cuevas, F., J., Lipson, H., 2012, "Functional inference of complex anatomical tendinousnetworks at a macroscopic scale via sparse experimentation," PLOS Computational Biology, 8(11): p.1-17.
Saxena A. and Sauer, R.A, 2012, "On combined Gradient-Stochastic Search for Topology Synthesis usingthe Material Mask Overlay Method," International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, inpress.DOI: 10.1002/nme.4401
Reddy, BVS Nagendra, Sujitkumar V. Naik and Saxena, A., 2012, "Systematic Synthesis of Large DisplacementContact Aided Monolithic Compliant Mechanisms," ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 134(1),pp.011007-1-12.
Shinde, V. R, Dutta, A., Saxena., A, 2013, "Experiments on multi-agent capture of a moving object usingprojective path planning," Robotica, 31(2),pp. 267-284
Saxena, A. and Ananthasuresh, G. K., 2000, On an Optimality Property of Compliant Topologies, Structuraland Multidisciplinary Optimization, 19 (1), pp. 36-49.
Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship 2010-
Associate Editor, ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics 2011-
AICTE Career Award 2006
Procter and Gamble Best Professional Paper Award 1997
Silver Medal, Mathematics Talent Search Examination, Government. of INDIA 1991
VivekVir Award, Government of Madhya Pradesh, INDIA 1992