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Arvind Kumar

Arvind Kumar

PhD (IISc Bangalore)

Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering

Research Interest

Manufacturing processes (casting, welding, layered and micro manufacturing); Heat transfer, CFD; Solid-Liquid phase change (Melting/solidification); Laser/plasma surface coating technologies; Phase change energy technologies.


Department of Mechanical Engineering
IIT Kanpur,
Kanpur 208016


Melting/solidification, Heat Transfer in manufacturing, Phase change energy systems, Casting, Welding, Thermal spray coating


PhD, IISc Bangalore (2008)

M.Sc (Engg), IISc Bangalore (2003)

B.Tech, NIFFT, Ranchi (2001)

Selected Publications

A. Kumar and P. Dutta, Modelling of transport phenomena in continuous casting of non-dendriticbillets, Inter. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 48, 2005, pp. 3674-3688.

J. Jain, A. Kumar and P. Dutta, Role of plume convection and remelting on the mushy layerstructure during directional solidification, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 40, 2007, pp. 1150-1160.

A. Kumar, H. Tabbara, S. Kamnis and S. Gu, Study of impingement of hollow ZrO2 droplets ontoa substrate, Surface and Coatings Tech., 220, 2013, pp. 164-169.

EU-Indo project in the New INDIGO Partnership Programme (NPP) of the European MemberStates and Associated States and the Indian Department of Science and Technology.

Paper on DC casting (Coupling macro-segregation and grain structure formation in direct chillcast aluminium alloy ingots, Light Metals, 2011, pp. 699-704.) is featured in a collection of bestresearch papers on aluminium cast shop from years 1971-2011 in the book Essential Readings inLight Metals, Vol 3, Cast Shop for Aluminium Production, J.F. Grandfield, D.G. Eskin (Eds.)

Awards & Fellowships

Selection in Britain's Young Engineers to present research work in the House of Commons, 2012.

Selection in the Young Investigator Meeting - YIM Boston 2011, USA.

Marie Curie Fellowship of European Commission FP7 framework (in UK).

2006 Professor V.M. Krishna Sastri Best Paper Award in the International ISHMT-ASME Heatand Mass Transfer Conference held at IIT Guwahati.

INAE's national level Innovation Potential of Students Project Award - 2004 for master's thesis.