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Tadinada Venkata Prabhakar

Tadinada Venkata Prabhakar

PhD (IIT Kanpur)

Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Research Interest

Software Architecture, Knowledge Engineering, Web 2.0


CS 317,
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
IIT Kanpur,
Kanpur 208016


Computational Complexity, Randomized Algorithms, logic


PhD, IIT Kanpur, 1986

Selected Publications

iitKLAS: IIT Kanpur Library Automation system – ran for twenty year in the IITK Library

Indian Heritage Content: Pioneering Web sites which captured Indian Philosophical literature: gitasupersite and others

Agropedia KMS: Agriculture Knowledge management systems on the cloud – as a Service

vKVK: Virtual Krishi Vigyan Kendra – advisory/alert delivery to the farmers over phones

agrotagger: automatic tagging(keyword assignment) for agriculture documents

ArchAware: Architecture aware drawing tool

Talim: a platform for courses online (read MOOCs) Taught the First and Second online courses from India in 2012 and 2013

Awards & Fellowships

Agriculture Leadership Award from Agriculture Today

IBM Faculty Award – three times

Eclipse Innovation Grant

Keynote speaker at WICSA

Member IFIP working group on Software Architecture