Professor, Department of MSE
Department of MSE
IIT Kanpur,
Kanpur 208016
PhD, IISc Bangalore (1989)
M.Sc., Engineering, IISC Bangalore (1982)
M.Sc., Physics, Central College, Bangalore University (1978)
J. Bhagyaraj, K. V. Ramaiah, C. N. Saikrishna, S. K. Bhaumik and Gouthama Behaviour and effect of Ti2Ni phase during processing of NiTi shape memory alloy wire from cast ingot,Journal of Alloys and Compounds 581 (2013) 344-351
K. V. Ramaiah, C. N. Saikrishna, J. Bhagyaraj, Gouthama and S. K. Bhaumik Jnfluence of Sc addition on Microstructure and Transformation behavior of Ni24.7Ti50.3Pd25 high temperature shape memory alloy, lntermetallics,40 (2013), pp. 10-18.
Vipin Jain, Rajiv S. Mishra and Gouthama, Superplastic behavior and microstructural stability of friction stirprocessed AZ91C alloy,Journal of Materials Science,48 (2013):2635-2646
B. N. Sahoo D. P. Mishra andGouthama TEM Study of Growth of Silica Nanoparticles in the Flame Synthesis Process by Thermophoretic Sampling Technique, Journal ofAdvanced Microscopy Research? (2012), 1-4
Bikas C. Maji, M. Krishnan, GouthamaandR.K. Ray o mmr o n s ssam r c o rr o M CrN ssam m m rr a rssM a urn ca a d Ma r a s Tra sac ss 42A (2011) 2141-2153 Project: TEM investigation into the micromechanics of shape memory effect and fatigue failure in NiTi alloy Sponsored by: National Programme on Micro and Smart SystemsNPMASS, Januray 2009-March, 2013 (Grant Value: 22 lakhs)
Elected Fellow of Electron microscopy society of lndia, 2011.