Assistant Professor, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences
My past and ongoing projects examine the relationship between women’s employment and education; fertility intentions, behaviour and maternal health, unmet need for contraception, and internal migration in the Indian context.
Demography; Gender,Work, and Family.
Journal Articles
Chatterjee, E., & Vanneman, R. D. (2022). Women's Low Employment Rates in India: Cultural and Structural Explanations. Population and Development Review.
Journal Articles
Chatterjee, E., & Sennott, C. (2021). Fertility intentions and child health in India: Women’s use of health services, breastfeeding, and official birth documentation following an unwanted birth. Plos one, 16(11), e0259311.
Journal Articles
Chatterjee, E., & Sennott, C. (2020). Fertility intentions and maternal health behaviour during and after pregnancy. Population Studies, 74(1), 55-74.
Journal Articles
Chatterjee, E., & Desai, S. (2019). Physical versus imagined communities: migration and women’s autonomy in India. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 1-20.
Journal Articles
Chatterjee, E., Desai, S., & Vanneman, R. (2018). Indian paradox: Rising education, declining womens' employment. Demographic Research, 38, 855-878.
Book Chapters
Chatterjee, E., & Desai, S. (2020). Regional Fertility Differences in India. In: Schoen, R. (eds) Analyzing Contemporary Fertility (pp. 133-169). The Springer Series on Demographic Methods and Populations Analysis, vol 51. Springer, Cham
Travel award granted by the International Development Research Centre to present an invited talk at the Canadian Economics Association annual meeting, May 30-June 2, 2019 in Banff, Alberta.
Travel grant to present an invited talk at Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research in 2018.
Editor’s choice award, Demographic Research.
Awarded the 2018-2019 Policy Communication Fellowship, implemented by Population Reference Bureau and the African Institute for Development Policy. Attended a one week workshop in Lilongwe,Malawi as a part of the fellowship.
Awarded a Graduate Travel Grant from the 2017-18 Dean’s Research Initiative at the University of Maryland.
Awarded Department Funding for attending ICPSR Summer Workshop 2017.
Awarded the 2017 Suzanne M. Bianchi Summer Research Grant by the Maryland Population Research Center.
Awarded the 2016-2017 Harriet B. Presser Fellowship that supports a graduate student specializing in Population and Gender at the dissertation writing stage.
Awarded Travel Grant from The Asia Research Institute, Singapore to present at the ARI Conference on Migration and Marriage in Asia (July, 2016).
Awarded the William Form Summer Fellowship from the Sociology Department at the University of Maryland (2015).
September 2020- Assistant Professor, Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur.
October 2019 – December 2019 Consultant, World Bank Group. Working on a project on a global review of aging cities.
February 2019-March 2019 Consultant, World Bank Group. Worked on a report on demographic trends and urban development in South Asia.
Jan 2018-May 2018: Research Assistant at Purdue University.
July 2016-August 2016: Consultant, World Bank Group. Compiled a review of literature on ‘Water and Gender’.
June 2014 – May 2016: Research Assistant with the India Human Development Survey Group, at the University of Maryland, College Park.
August 2013 - May 2014: Teaching Assistant at the University of Maryland, College Park.
August 2012 - July 2013: Research Assistant with the India Human Development Survey Group, at the University of Maryland, College Park.
October 2010 - April 2011: Researcher at the Export-Import Bank of India. Worked on a project titled ‘Indo-Bangladesh: A Study of Bilateral Trade and Investment Relations’.
July 2011 – October 2011: Wrote a Course unit (chapter) on Large Scale Industries in India for Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU). This was as part of the study material for their undergraduate students.