अपनी प्राथमिकता निर्धारित करें
फ़ॉन्ट स्केलिंग
पृष्ठ अनुमापन
रंग समायोजन
नलिनाक्ष शरदचंद्रव्यास

नलिनाक्ष शरदचंद्रव्यास

PhD (IIT Delhi)

Emeritus Fellow, Department of Mechanical Engineering

शोध करना दिलचस्पी

Rotor Dynamics, Rail Wheel Dynamics, Automotive Dynamics, System Identification and Parameter Estimation, MEMS, Instrumentation and Sensor Technologies, Neural Networks.


Department of Mechanical Engineering
IIT Kanpur,
Kanpur 208016


Machine Dynamics, Condition Monitoring, Fault Diagnosis, Life Estimation & Prognosis


PhD Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, 1986

M.Tech. Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, 1983

B. Tech. Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, 1980.

चयनित प्रकाशन

Dynamic stress analysis and a fracture mechanics approach to life prediction of turbine blades, Mechanism and Machine Theory, Vol 32,
No.4, 1997, pp.511-527, N.S.Vyas, Sidharth, J.S.Rao

Determination of blade stresses under constant speed and transient conditions with nonlinear damping, Journal of Engg. for Gas Turbines And Power, Trans.ASME, 1996, vol.118, No.2, pp 424-433, J.S.Rao, N.S.Vyas

Equations of motion of a blade rotating with variable angular velocity, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 156(2), 1992, p.327, N.S.Vyas, J.S.Rao.

Shock in rotor blades during speed changes, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 176(4), 1994, p.531, N.S.Vyas, J.S.Rao.

Nonlinear parameter Estimation in Rotor bearing System using Volterra Series and Method of Harmonic Probing, ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, Vol. 125 (3), pp. 299-306, , 2003, Animesh Chatterjee and N.S.Vyas.

Stiffness nonlinearity classification using Morlet Wavelet, Dynamical Systems: Discontinuous Stochasticity and Time Delay, Chapter 23, A.C. Luo (ed.), Springer Science, 2010, R. Porwal, N.S.Vyas.

Weight Reduction in an Indian Railway CASNUB Bogie Bolster considering Fatigue Strength, International Jornal of Vehicle Structures & Systems, Vol. 2(3), pp. 102-109, 2009, S. Shukla, R. Gupta, N.S.Vyas.

A Biomechanical control mechanism for correction of clubfoot deformity in babies, Int. J. Biomechatronics and Biomedical Robotics, Vol.1, No.1, pp. 51-56, Manak Lal Jain, Sanjay Govind Dhande, Nalinaksh S. Vyas, (2009).

Role of process parameters on pocket milling with abrasive Water Jet Machining Technique, International Journal of Mechanical Science & Engineering, Vol, 7, No. 10, 2013, PP 627-632, TVK Gupta, J Ramkumar, Puneet Tandon, N S Vyas.

आईआईटी कानपुर में प्रशासनिक जिम्मेदारियाँ

Head Nuclear Engg & Technology Program, IIT Kanpur, 2008-11

Head Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Kanpur, 2008-11

Head  Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Kanpur, 2008-11

Head Centre for Robotics, IIT Kanpur, 2008 –11

Project Coordinator Rural Technology Action Group, RuTAG @ IITK.

Head  Innovation Lab – 4i Lab, IIT Kanpur, 2003 – 2009


Design and development of India’s first nanosatellite, JUGNU, launched from Sriharikota on Oct 12, 2012 (with ISRO).

Successful completion and transfer of technology in the TECHNOLOGY MISSION FOR RAILWAY SAFETY, involving a dozen projects like SIMRAN, Derailment Detection Devices, WILD etc (with RDSO Lucknow).

Development of State-of-Art Instrumentation and Diagnostic Tools for Thermal Power Plant Monitoring and installed for the first time in the country in Super Thermal Power Station, Ropar, Punjab (with CSIO Chandigarh and BHEL Hyderabad).

Development of the first commercially viable MEMS based Pressure Sensors in the country for Automotive Applications, under the NPMASS (with SCL Chandigarh and Pricol Coimbatore). Monthly requirement- over 55,000 Nos.

Featured by India Today (2010), as one of the 20 Innovators Changing Our Lives

Awadh Samman, 2009, Govt. of Uttar Pradesh

4th position, HSSC, Madhya Pradesh Board, 1975

Other Responsibilities

Chairman Technology Mission for Indian Railways (TMIR), May, 

Vice Chancellor Rajasthan Technical University, 2013 - 15

Member Board of Governors, IIT Jodhpur, 2014 ---

Chairman Research Council, CSIR-CMERI, Durgapur, 2016 -

Member Executive Committee, AICTE, 2014 --

Member Board of Governers, JNARDDC (J L Nehru Aluminium Research Develpoment & Design Centre, Nagpur, 2016 ---

Mission Coordinator Technology Mission on Railway Safety, Govt of India, 2005-09

Chairman Automotive Parc, National Program on Micro & Smart Structures,

Project Coordinator Nano-Satellite, JUGNU Project with ISRO.

Consortium Leader Automotive Electronic Stability Program, Core Group on Automotive Research, DST

Member Expert Task Force on IVHM of LCA (Light Combat Aircraft)

Editor (mid-Asia) International Journal of Engineering Asset Management, 2005-2010

Editor ISSS Journal (International Society of Smart Systems), 2008-2010

Editor Advances in Vibration Engineering

Editor International Journal of Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering Management (COMADEM)

Member Indo-US Task Force on Embedded Systems

Founding Director International Society on Asset Management, Australia

Member Working Group on Energy Research, Planning Commission, Govt of India.