अपनी प्राथमिकता निर्धारित करें
फ़ॉन्ट स्केलिंग
पृष्ठ अनुमापन
रंग समायोजन
Somesh K. Mathur

सोमेश कुमार माथुर


Professor, Department of Economic Sciences

शोध करना दिलचस्पी

New New Trade Theories, Spatial Regression, Gravity Modelling, Trade Growth Accounting, Frontier areas in trade, econometrics and growth, Evaluating Regional Trade Agreements.


PhD, JNU, New Delhi, 2005.PhD thesis title: Perspective of Economic Growth in Selected South Asian and East Asian Countries. PhD thesis supervisor: Professor S K Das(JNU)

M.Phil, JNU, New Delhi, 1997

M.A., Jamia Millia Islamia Univ., New Delhi, 1994

B.A., Delhi University, 1990

शिक्षण क्षेत्र

Applied Econometrics, Quantitative Analysis of International Trade, Mathematical Economics, International Trade and Finance, Indian Economic Problem and Policies, Econometrics at UG and PG level

व्यावसायिक जुड़ाव

Life Member of Indian Econometric Society.

National Knowledge Commission on TRIPS October, 2006 -2008.

National Working Groups on Patents, International Peace Science Congress, Cornell University since June 2001.

चयनित प्रकाशन

Archana Srivastava, Somesh K Mathur and Prabir de(2022), Ex-ante evaluation of India's trade alliance with Indo-Pacific region : A general equilibrium analysis, AWP 211, February 2022, UNESCAP , Bangkok

Ather H Dar, Somesh K Mathur and Sila Mishra(2021)'The Efficiency of Indian Banks: A DEA, Malmquist and SFA Analysis with Bad Output', forthcoming in Indian Econometric Society Journal, Journal of Quantitative Economics, Springer Publication.

Amrita Roy and Somesh K Mathur (2016),”Brexit and India-EU Free Trade Agreement,, Journal of Economic Integration, December Issue,Vol.31 No. 4.

Mathur Somesh K, Rahul Arora, Ishita Ghoshal Thora (2016), “Domestic Energy Consumption and Country's Income Growth: A Quantitative Analysis of Developing and Developed Countries Using Panel Causality, Panel VECM, PanelCointegration and SURE" f, Journal of Quantitative Economics,Springer,IndiaJune 2016, Volume 14, Issue 1, pp 87–116

Mathur Somesh K, Rahul Arora and Monika Bhardwaj, (2016),"Relative benefits/losses of India aligning with RCEP and BRICS countries under the conjecture of free trade area in goods", UNESCAP ARTNET Working Paper Number 160, Bangkok

An edited book(2016) on Methods and Applications in Trade Policy Research, with Rahul Arora and Sarbjit Singh, Anne Books Private Limited, Delhi, Bangalore, Chennai, Mumbai

Edited book(2017) on Theorizing International Trade: An Indian Perspective with Sarbjit Singh and Rahul Arora, Palgrave Macmillan, US, UK and Europe

Singh, S., Arora R. and Mathur S.K (2016). Measurement of Trade Costs, Its Determinants and Trade Growth Accounting for India with Its Asian Trading Partners, Volume 22(1),35-55, Public Enterprise Journal, ICPE, Slovenia

Gaurav, A. and Mathur, S.K. (2015), "Determinants of Trade Costs and Trade Growth Accounting between India and the European Union during 1995–2010," The World Economy, 39, 1399-1413.

पुरस्कार एवं फैलोशिप

Best Paper Award on "Deepthi, A S and S.K.Mathur(2020), Health Insurance Coverage during Epidemics in India:A COVID -19 case of India using SIR Modelling Technique, Journal of Economic Policy and Analysis, Volume 1,No 1."

Arnold Shain International Trade Conference Participation with Travel and Boarding and Loughing expenses covered by the organizors

Indian Econometric Society and Indian Biometric Society life time member

Worked as P3 Economic Officer UNESCAP Bangkok Office

Prometheo Project researcher working in the area of enviromental goods and services, Ecuador 2012

पाठ्येतर गतिविधियां

  • Regular member Faculty Cricket Team ,IIT K Chairperson, Udghosh 2010, 2015.
  • Students advisor on games, member staff sports council.
  • Warden Hall II 2009-2013.
  • DCF Chairman, 2013, IIT Kanpur.