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K R Guruprasad

K R Guruprasad

(PhD, IISc Bangalore)

Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering

Research Interest

Robotics-Mechanics and Control, Motion Planning, Multi Robots Systems, Cooperative Control, Exo-Skeleton Control, Voronoi Partition and its Applications.


  • Robotics and Autonomous systems: Motion planning: Single and multi-robotic point to point motion planning, coverage path planning, robotic exploration and mapping.
  • UAV/Drones: Single and multi-UAV motion planning and control, multi-UAV search and rescue
  • Multi-robotic/Agent systems: Deployment, cooperative and distributed control, emergent behavior
  • Mobile manipulation: UAV mounted manipulator control for applications such as autonomous inspection and minor repair of large structures.
  • Artificial Intelligence: Artificial Neural Networks, Fuzzy logic and Fuzzy logic control, Intelligent control, Reactive or Behavior-based systems, Group behavior and Distributed systems, Distributed decision making; distributed/behavior-based systems/intelligence, swarm intelligence; emergent behavior
  • Robotics – Mechanics and control: Manipulator control, Distributed control, control of lower-body and whole-body exoskeletons.
  • Voronoi partition: Generalization, distributed algorithms, application to multi-robot/UAV applications and facility location/locational optimization problems.


Diamond Jubilee Academic Complex 503H-H,
Department of Mechanical Engineering
IIT Kanpur,
Kanpur 208016


Ph.D. | Aerospace Engineering, Indian Institute of Science (2009)
Thesis title: Multi-agent search using Voronoi partition Advisor: Prof Debasish Ghose

M.Sc (Engg) (thesis) | Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India (1996)
Thesis: Model Reference Learning Control using Adaptive Network-based Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS)

B.E | Mechanical Engineering, Mangalore University (Karnataka Reginal Engineering College/National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal) (1993)

Selected Publications

h-index: 11, i10 index: 14, Citations:382 Scopus id: 7004340204, Orcid Id:


K.R. Guruprasad, Robotics: Mechanics and Control, PHI, Delhi 110092, 2019 (

Santosh K V and K Guruprasad Rao (K R Guruprasad) (Editors), Smart Sensors Measurements and Instrumentation Select Proceedings of CISCON 2020, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 750, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd., 152 Beach Road, #21-01/04 Gateway East, Singapore. (

Journal (Refereed – SCI/Scopus indexed)

Vishnu G Nair and K.R Guruprasad, “2D-VPC: An efficient coverage algorithm for multiple autonomous vehicles”, International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems, 19(8), pp. 2891-2901, August 2021 DOI:

Jeane M D’Souza, Venkat Varun Velpula, and K.R Guruprasad, “On effectiveness of camera as an UAV mounted search sensor,” International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems, 19(7), pp 2557–2568 (2021).

Soumya S. and K.R Guruprasad, “Distributed nonlinear control of planar serial-link manipulators”, International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems, 19(2) (2021) pp. 850-863,

K.R. Guruprasad and T.D Ranjitha, “CPC algorithm: Exact area coverage by a mobile robot using approximate cellular decomposition”, Robotica, vol 39, pp. 1141–1162, 2021 DOI:

Soumya S. and K.R. Guruprasad, “Multi-agent system inspired distributed control of a serial-link robot”, Journal of Automation, Mobile Robotics, and Intelligent System, vol 14, no 1, pp. 29-38, 2020. DOI:

Vishnu G Nair and K.R Guruprasad, “MR-SimExCoverage: Multi-robot simultaneous exploration and coverage,” Computers and Electrical Engineering, vol 95, 2020. DOI:

Vishnu G Nair and K.R Guruprasad, “Geodesic-VPC: spatial partitioning for multi-robot coverage problem”, International Journal of Robotics and Automation, vol 35, issue 3, 2020, pp. 189-198. DOI

Vishnu G Nair and K.R Guruprasad, “GM-VPC: An algorithm for multi-robot coverage of known spaces using generalized Voronoi partition”, Robotica, vol 38, issue 5, May 2020, pp. 845-860.

Jeane M D’Souza, K.R. Guruprasad, and Akshar Padman, “A realistic simulation platform for multi-quadcopter search using downward facing cameras”, Computers and Electrical Engineering, vol 74, pp. 184-195, March, 2019.

S Soumya and K.R Guruprasad, “Model-based Manipulator Control and the Computational Cost”, Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, vol 10, issue 12, pp. 319-326, 2018. [Scopus]

Dasgupta, J. Baca, K.R. Guruprasad, A. Munoz-Melendez, J. Jumadinova, The COMRADE System for Multi-Robot Autonomous Landmine Detection in Post-Conflict Regions, Journal of Robotics, vol 2015, February 2015.

K.R. Guruprasad, Effectiveness-Based Voronoi Partition: A new tool for solving a class of location optimization problems, Optimization Letters, vol 7, Issue 8, December 2013, pp 1733-1743.

K.R. Guruprasad and D. Ghose, Performance of a Class of Multi-Robot Deploy and Search Strategies based on Centroidal Voronoi Configurations, International Journal of Systems Science, vol 44, issue 4, 2013, pp. 680-699.

K.R. Guruprasad and D. Ghose, Heterogeneous Locational Optimization using Generalized Voronoi Partition, International Journal of Control, vol 86, issue 6, 2013, pp. 977-993.

K.R. Guruprasad and D. Ghose, Automated multi-agent search using centroidal Voronoi configuration, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, vol. 8, issue 2, April 2011, pp. 420-423.

Awards & Fellowships

Best presentation: K.R Guruprasad, Multi-Agent Search using Sensors with Heterogeneous Capabilities, Presented in the Doctoral Symposium, IISc-IBM Research Third Operations Research and Data Analytics Workshop, March 2008.

Best paper award finalist - K. Hungerford, P. Dasgupta, and K.R. Guruprasad, A Repartitioning Algorithm to Guarantee Complete, Non-overlapping Planar Coverage with Multiple Robots, Distributed Autonomous Robots and Systems (DARS) 2014.