- Kinematic viscosity of liquids (either fuel or lubricating oil) is measured using Kinematic Viscometer at 40oC.
- This unit has six calibrated precision capillary viscometer tubes inside a cylindrical glass oil bath, which are interchangeable and may be selected from a range of nine tubes, measuring viscosities between 3 and 2000 mm2/s.
- A six channel timer is fitted for measuring flow times for a fixed volume of fuel to flow under gravity through a capillary of the viscometer.
- The kinematic viscosity is the product of measured time and calibration constant of the viscometer tube used in viscometer.
- A cooling tube fitted in the bath is used for tests below and slightly above ambient, and also to quickly lower the bath temperature when needed.
Contact Person
- Dr Avinash K Agarwal, FSAE, FASME
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
Kanpur-208016 India
Home Page: www.iitk.ac.in/erl
Tel: +91 512 2598682 (Res)
Fax: +91 512 2597982, 2597408 (Off)
Access procedure:
Contact Prof. Avinash Kumar Agarwal
Research & development for Alternative/ Renewable fuels, refineries, Chemical engineering labsLocation Info:
Engine Research Laboratory, IIT KanpurTimings:
Contact Prof. Avinash Kumar AgarwalAny Other Key Information:
The Sample must be clear fluid, free of particles, and air bubbles both in the pipette or syringe and after injection into the viscometer tube.
Contact info:
Engine Research Laboratory
Department of Mechanical Engineering
IIT Kanpur, Kanpur-208016
Tel: +91 512 2597458 (Lab)