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Nitin Kaistha

Nitin Kaistha

PhD (University of Tennessee, Knoxville)

Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering

Research Interest

Economic plant wide control of complex chemical processes; Reactive Distillation modelling; Simulation and control; Process intensification technologies.


FB- 457,
Department of Chemical
IIT Kanpur,
Kanpur 208016


Chemical process modelling; Simulation and optimization; Economic Plant wide control; Process integration and intensification.


PhD, University of Tennessee, Knoxville TN, 1999
Thesis Title:A Generic SPC Framework for the Characterization of Batch Profiles
Thesis Supervisor:Prof. Charles F. Moore

B.Tech, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, 1996

Teaching Area

Chemical Engineering Design

Process Dynamics and Control

Advanced Process Dynamics and Control


Unit Operations and Controls Laboratory

Selected Publications

Debasis Maity, Rahul Jagtap and Nitin Kaistha, "Systematic top-down economic plant wide control of the cumene process", J. Proc. Cont., 23 (10), 1426-1440 (2013).

Rahul Jagtap, Nitin Kaistha and W.L. Luyben, "External reset feedback for constrained economic process operation", Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 52 (28), 9654-9664 (2013).

Rahul Jagtap, Nitin Kaistha and Sigurd Skogestad, "Economic plantwide control over a wide throughput range: A systematic design procedure", AIChE. Jou., 59 (7), 2407-2426 (2013).

Rahul Jagtap, Ashok S. Pathak and Nitin Kaistha, "Economic plantwide control of the Ethyl Benzene Process", AIChE. Jou., 59 (6), 1996-2014 (2013).

M.V. Pavan Kumar and Nitin Kaistha, "Role of multiplicity in reactive distillation control system design", Jou. Pro. Cont., 18, 692-706 (2008).

R. Jagtap, N. Kaistha and S. Skogestad, "Economic plantwide control over a wide throughput range: A systematic design procedure", AlChE. Jou., 59(7), 2407-2426 (2013).

L. Agarwal, V. Pavani, D.P. Rao and N. Kaistha, "Process intensification in HiGee absorption and distillation: Design procedure and applications", Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 49, 10046-10058 (2010).

R.S. Thakur, N. Kaistha, and D.P. Rao, "Process intensification in duplex pressure swing adsorption", Comp. Chem. Eng., 35, 975-983 (2011).

B.P. Singh, R. Singh, M.V. Pavan Kumar, and N. Kaistha, "Steady state analysis of reactive distillation columns using homotopy continuation", Chem. Eng. Res. & Des., 83 (A8), 959-958 (2005).

B.P. Singh, R. Singh, M.V. Pavan Kumar, and N. Kaistha, "Steady state analysis of reactive distillation columns using homotopy continuation", Chem. Eng. Res. & Des., 83 (A8), 959-958 (2005).

Rahul Jagtap, Nitin Kaistha and W.L. Luyben, "External reset feedback for constrained economic process operation", Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 52(28), 9654-9664 (2013).

Awards & Fellowships

P.K. Kelkar Research Fellowship, IIT Kanpur (2009-2012).

Erasmus Mundus Fellowship, NTNU, Norway (2009).

Best Session Paper Award at CHEMCON 2004, Mumbai, India.

Outstanding Session Paper Award, June 2001 American Control Conference, Arlington VA.

Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society Member from 1997-1999 at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville TN.

Economic plantwide control, Simulation and optimization, Chemical process modeling, Process integration and intensification

Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Window Lot 13 Fellowship to NTNU, Norway

Best Session Paper Award at CHEMCON 2004, Mumbai, India

Outstanding Session Paper Award, June 2001 American Control Conference, Arlington VA

Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society Member from 1997-1999 at the Univ of Tenn, Knoxville

Extra Curricular Activities

  • Organized an industrial short course especially targeted at the practicing engineers in the industry on "Chemical Process Design, Operation and Control", 1-5 June 2014 at IIT Kanpur.
  • Proposed a technique for slop-cut elimination in the pipeline transfer of fuels to HPCL. Acknowledged saving per pipeline is Rs 6 crore per annum. HPCL keenly interested in implementing the technique subject to an agreement with IITK.
  • Organized an intensive short course especially targeted at the practicing engineers in the industry on "Practical Chemical Process Control", 7-11 May 2007 at IIT Kanpur.

Professional Experience

Faculty, Department of Chemical Engineering, IIT Kanpur, INDIA, Sep 02-Present.

Visiting Assistant Professor, Chemical and Biomedical Engineering, Singapore, Jul 12-Jul 14.

Research Scientist, Unilever Research, Bangalore, INDIA, Jun 01-Aug 02.

Post Doctoral Fellow, Chemical Engineering, University of Tennessee, Knoxville TN, USA, Jan 00-May 01.

Research Assistant, Chemical Engineering, University of Tennessee, Knoxville TN, USA, Aug 96-Dec 99.