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Tender Notice

SL. No Tender Doc Department Posting Date Closing Date Description
2551 Enquiry No: IITK/CHM/DM/2021/03 Department of Chemistry 22/12/2021 19/01/2022 Purchase of Vacuum gauges and display-controller units
2552 Enquiry No: IITK/CHM/DM/2021/04 Department of Chemistry 22/12/2021 19/01/2022 Purchase of Customised Cryostat for generating superfluid helium nanodroplets
2553 Enquiry No: IITK/BSBE/AP/2021-2022/Cons-07 Department of Biological Sciences & Bioengineering 22/12/2021 19/01/2022 Purchase of Non-tonic Lipid like Detergents-LMNG, GDN & CHS
2554 Enquiry No: IITK/BSBE/AP/2021-2022/NC-20 Department of Biological Sciences & Bioengineering 22/12/2021 19/01/2022 Purchase of Protein Purification System
2555 Enquiry No: GEM/2021/B/1810225 Department of Electrical Engineering 29/12/2021 19/01/2022 BOQ (GPU Server)
2556 Enquiry No: IITK/CSE/2021-2022/01 Department of Computer Science and Engineering 07/01/2022 19/01/2022 Tender Document for the Purchase of Computer Workstation.
2557 Enquiry No: IITK/CgS/2021-22/10 Department of Cognitive Science 21/12/2021 18/01/2022 Purchase of Data Glove for Tracking Fine Motor Movement
2558 Enquiry No: IITK/CgS/2021-22/11 Department of Cognitive Science 21/12/2021 18/01/2022 Purchase of Electrogastrogram (EGG)
2559 Enquiry No: IITK/MSE/SO/2021-22/01 Department of Material Science and Engineering 21/12/2021 18/01/2022 Purchase of Two-Port Glove Box Workstation
2560 Enquiry No: IITK/SEE/AG/2021-22/01 Department of Sustainable Energy Engineering 21/12/2021 18/01/2022 Purchasing KrF Premix gas for PLD system
2561 Enquiry No: IITK/BSBE/AP/2021-2022/NC-19 Department of Biological Sciences & Bioengineering 21/12/2021 18/01/2022 Purchase of Electrophysiology Set-up (Amplifier, Digitizer, Software, including accessories)
2562 Enquiry No: IITK/CHM/DM/2021/01 Department of Chemistry 21/12/2021 18/01/2022 Purchase of Quadrupole mass spectrometer with crossbeam ion source for detecting molecular beams
2563 Enquiry No: IITK/BSBE/AP/2021-2022/NC-17 Department of Biological Sciences & Bioengineering 21/12/2021 18/01/2022

Purchase of Research Grade Inverted Microscope & with Fluorescence & High-Resolution Digital Camera

2564 Enquiry No: IITK/CHM/DM/2021/02 Department of Chemistry 21/12/2021 18/01/2022 Purchase of High vacuum diffusion pump, along with a combination of rotary vane pump and roots pump system
2565 Enquiry No: IITK/BSBE/AP/2021-2022/NC-16 Department of Biological Sciences & Bioengineering 21/12/2021 18/01/2022 Purchase of Electrophysiology LIPID BILAYER MODULE
2566 Enquiry No: IITK/CE/STR/2021-22/DEC/01 Department of Civil Engineering 22/12/2021 18/01/2022

Purchase of computer controlled elecrochemical workstation potentiostat/galvanostat/corrosion analyzer or equivalent

2567 Enquiry No: IITK/SEE/AG/2021/18 Department of Sustainable Energy Engineering 29/12/2021 18/01/2022 Purchase of Aluminium Laminated Film Forming (Cup Forming) Machine
2568 Enquiry No: GEM/2022/B/1837235 Department of Chemistry 07/01/2022 18/01/2022 Purchase of Vibration Isolator (Set of 4)
2569 Enquiry No: IITK/CgS/2021-22/12 Department of Cognitive Science 20/12/2021 17/01/2022 Purchase of Portable EEG (32 Channel Wireless)
2570 Enquiry No: IITK/CgS/2021-22/13 Department of Cognitive Science 20/12/2021 17/01/2022 Purchase of High Density EEG ERP System 128 Channel
2571 Enquiry No: SCDT/FLEXE/2021-2022/08 National Centre for Flexible Electronics 20/12/2021 17/01/2022 Quotations from prospective vendors are invited by the National Centre for Flexible Electronics, IIT Kanpur for the supply of 100Pcs Dimatix Cartridges for Dimatix Printer with the following technical specification.
2572 Enquiry No: GEM/2022/B/1827310 Department of Materials Science & Engineering 05/01/2022 17/01/2022 Micropositioners with probe tip holders
2573 Enquiry No: GEM/2022/B/1836949 Department of Materials Science & Engineering 07/01/2022 17/01/2022 Custom Bid For Services - AMC For TEM Machine Technai 20 G2 U Twin D456 With CCD Camera
2574 Enquiry No: GEM/2022/B/1838842 Department of Biological Sciences and Bioengineering 07/01/2022 17/01/2022

- 80 degree C Freezer

Bid Cancelled
2575 Enquiry No: GEM/2022/B/1838988 Department of Physics 07/01/2022 17/01/2022 Laptop