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Tender Notice

SL. No Tender Doc Department Posting Date Closing Date Description
426 Enquiry No: GEM/2024/B/4901071 Department of Biological Sciences and Bioengineering 30/04/2024 21/05/2024 Electroporator
427 Enquiry No: GEM/2024/B/4865735 Department of Mechanical Engineering 16/04/2024 20/05/2024

Bio-Tribometer for Wear Tests Under Dynamic Loads

428 Enquiry No: GEM/2024/B/4885716 Department of Mechanical Engineering 24/04/2024 20/05/2024

Impedance Tube System

429 Enquiry No: IITK/PHY/2024-2025/SRC/19 Department of Physics 08/05/2024 20/05/2024

Purchase of waveguide SHG and Grating chips

430 Enquiry No: IITK/CHE/PGRL/24-25/01 Department of Chemical Engineering 08/05/2024 20/05/2024 Dual Beam Thermocouple
431 Enquiry No: GEM/2024/B/4926764 SCDT 09/05/2024 20/05/2024 AMC of UV SPECTROPHOTOMETER
432 Enquiry No: GEM/2024/B/4928162 Department of Chemical Engineering 09/05/2024 20/05/2024 Single channel syringe pump
433 Enquiry No: IITK/ME/PRJ/2024-25/01 Department of Mechanical Engineering 22/04/2024 19/05/2024

Modules, Chassis & Accessories

434 Enquiry No: IITK/AE/ABHISH/001 Department of Aerospace Engineering 08/05/2024 19/05/2024 LATHE MACHINE
435 Enquiry No: IITK/AE/ABHISH/002 Department of Aerospace Engineering 08/05/2024 19/05/2024 MILLING MACHINE
436 Enquiry No: GEM/2024/B/4925329 Department of Maths 08/05/2024 18/05/2024 laptop
437 Enquiry No: GEM/2024/B/4921346 Department of Physics 07/05/2024 17/05/2024 Laptop
438 Enquiry No: GEM/2024/B/4884534 S&P 25/04/2024 16/05/2024 Executive Table, Modular Side Storage Unit, Revolving Chair & Chair Office
439 Enquiry No: GEM/2024/B/4909413 Department of Aerospace Engineering 03/05/2024 16/05/2024

McCauley Propeller Overhaul

440 Enquiry No: GEM/2024/B/4884263 Department of Mechanical Engineering 24/04/2024 15/05/2024

Pressure Field Microphones

Bid Cancelled
441 Enquiry No: IITK/ME/SSG/2024-25/01 Department of Mechanical Engineering 24/04/2024 15/05/2024 Purchase of Workstation
442 Enquiry No: IITK/PES/OSC-Gym -Equipment DORA/2024-25 Physical Education Section 24/04/2024 15/05/2024 Gym Equipment
443 Enquiry No: CE/STR/2024-25/APR/01 Department of Civil Engineering 01/05/2024 15/05/2024 Silver Schmidt Hammer (N-Type) as per ASTM C805, Make: Proceq: 1 no.
444 Enquiry No: GEM/2024/B/4912421 Central Stores 06/05/2024 15/05/2024 Plain Copier Paper
445 Enquiry No: GEM/2024/B/4910730 Department of Chemical Engineering 03/05/2024 13/05/2024 DC Regulated Power supply
446 Enquiry No: GEM/2024/B/4864655 Department of Biological Sciences and Bioengineering 16/04/2024 11/05/2024

Time Resolve Liquid Scintillation Counter (TR-LSC)

447 Enquiry No: GEM/2024/B/4864540 Department of Biological Sciences and Bioengineering 16/04/2024 11/05/2024

Microelectrode Cavity Array Chips

448 Enquiry No: GEM/2024/B/4904331 Department of Biological Sciences and Bioengineering 01/05/2024 11/05/2024 Electronic Pipette Controller (PAC)
449 Enquiry No: GEM/2024/B/4871555 Department of Design 19/04/2024 10/05/2024 Gaming Console
450 Enquiry No: GEM/2024/B/4879263 Department of Computer Science and Engineering 23/04/2024 10/05/2024

Customized AMC/CMC for Pre-owned Products UPS 60 KVA & 80 KVA

Bid Corrigendum-1